Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bazaar Season

It's that time of year when bazaars are in full swing in northeast Pennsylvania. I opted for a dozen of clams tonight in lieu of potato pancakes and pierogies.  Somebody better check my temperature. How did I pass up that traditional Polish/Lithuanian fare? Although, this bazaar wasn't serving Babushka Betty's pierogies, so that's probably why I passed on them tonight.

Every year, St. Nick's parish draws a great crowd because the food is always delicious.

An old water tower stands in the distance. You'd think the city of Wilkes-Barre would rip this eyesore down already.

St. Nick's parish has one of the best flea markets. The doors were wide open, and the flea market was calling my name.

All the Christmas items were 50% off today.

I was in heaven when I spotted a grammar book. I don't collect things, but I do acquire well-written grammar books. I'm always on the lookout for vintage books on sentence diagramming.

I fondly recall my fifth-grade teacher, Sister Carmelita, teaching me how to diagram sentences. Since then, I've always loved grammar. Thanks to her, I've had the opportunity to use my writing skills in a variety of different ways throughout my career.

When was the last time you saw sentence diagramming in a grammar text book? Forgive me, but they no longer call the subject grammar. I believe it's referred to as language arts or some other watered-down version of grammar. No wonder why Suzie and Johnny can't write coherent sentences.

Look! It's a chapter on dangling modifiers. I can't wait to start reading.


Pretty Things said...

Do you live in PA? My husband is from Carlisle, but his parents now live in Newburg, and we go up there often. I used to do a show in Shippensburg every August, but now it's just too hot for me!

Lisa said...

I love the way you brought this post together!Sharing a lot about you!
I would have chosen clams too!
Going to stay out of the extreme heat and catch up on blog hopping!
I don't think we'll have any bazaars because of the tornado, clean up, but there is always autumn!

take care,

Anonymous said...

Love bazaar season! Potato pancakes are my favorite.

I didn't know that Babushka Betty is on twitter! Thanks Liz!

Darlene said...

Saw your post on the Art of Licensing. Great blog!!!

We once lived in PA - in the Lehigh Valley area.

Have a great week, Darlene